Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jindabyne - Guests and Galahs

With the long weekend over we find ourselves for the first time with an empty inn. We have a group of four men who will continue to stay here Monday to Friday (they are working in the area and their company puts them up here), but we have no tourists at the moment. So, barring any last minute calls or drop-ins, we may have the place to ourselves this weekend. Our hot weather continues; it was supposed to be 39C (102F) today. At least it’s not humid.

For entertainment we always have the Galahs, the cockatoo-like birds that are plentiful in all of Australia but especially here in Jindabyne. They gather in great numbers in the big tree outside our flat and we enjoy watching their antics as they come and go. They have a lovable clownish aspect to them. When it rains they hang upside down from the branches and flap their wings as if showering. Merrilyn says they do that from the power lines also. But in this heat even the Galahs are listless.
Galahs in the tree outside our flat.

"Is that you I smell?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG they are so interesting looking!!! I love watching your blog!