Thursday, February 19, 2009

Jindabyne - Dog Sitting

David and Merrilyn were gone all day yesterday due to a doctor appointment in Canberra. They left us in charge of "the children." Billy and Timmy are Maltese; Andy is a Yorky. Timmy is quite old. He has goopy eyes, no hair on his tail (it looks like a rat's tail), and smells a bit. His hind legs don't work particularly well so he pretty much stays wherever you plop him. I took the other two for a walk where Billy proved an uncanny ability to pee on every tree, stump and lampost on our route. Andy ignored the vast acres of grass around us and pooped directly in the middle of the concrete sidewalk.

The boys: Billy, Andy and Timmy (left to right)

Looks guilty - not sure why...

Timmy and his favorite stuffed animal, with his favorite blanket, sitting in his favorite chair.

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