Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cooloola Cove - Avian Alarm Clock

Our schedule is being dictated by the local wildlife. It’s too warm to sleep with the windows closed so we hear everything. As soon as the sun even thinks about rising above the horizon we are awakened by the Kookaburras’ maniacal laughter. Then the Sulfur Crested Cockatoos let out their incredibly loud screech as they fly past. There’s no sleeping through that. But then we hear the more normal peep of the magpie-larks who during the day are always begging (successfully) for bread crumbs outside our door. And finally we transition to the musical call of the Pied Butcherbird, similar to the magpies, who sound like the bridge computer on Star Trek. We are happy to stay awake for their strange and beautiful song.

When dusk approaches the Cockatoos screech again as they go to roost in the huge gum trees in the property next door. As darkness falls the insects buzz and the frogs pipe up. A few make the typical long drawn-out rrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeppppppp sound; seemingly thousands of others make a sound (with their throat sacs?) like tiny tapping on wood – it sounds like Santa’s workshop on deadline. It bothers Deborah a bit but I have no trouble falling asleep to the white noise. So we go to bed early and wake early, which is fine. You just have to remember that if you decide to stay up late one night the kookaburras won’t let you sleep in.
Kookaburra saving up energy for the morning revelry
(photo by Deborah)

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